
Ajin manga kissmanga
Ajin manga kissmanga

The worldbuilding is pretty much non-existent with the sole focus on rawly progressing the plot. More on that later, now back to speedrunning. Sure, training arcs tend to be not that interesting, but not only they can be made interesting, they are also important to help establishing the power system of battle shounen, which Kimetsu no Yaiba fails at completely. Good job on smashing those big rocks kid, now you’re fully prepared to fight ruthless and almost immortal creatures. Training? Nah, here’s two chapters, two year timeskip, the protagonist is now no longer a random village hillbilly but a stronk boi who can fight demons. Everything is happening so fast in this manga. Reading it feels like the author is trying to do an any% battle shounen speedrun. Sure, at least there are no fillers, but in exchange Kimetsu no Yaiba goes with extreme on the other side of the spectrum. This time, I’ll have to complain about the story going way too fast. Now, I’m usually quick to complain about a slow story progression and unnecessary padding. Well, that’s enough of a rant, now to the manga-only experience review. You can check the scores on Wayback Machine, and learn that MAL mean scores aren’t always to be trusted. The manga arcs published during this period was Swordsmith Village arc and a training arc after it so no, there was no sudden spike in the quality of the manga content. Sure, you could claim that the manga suddenly got better (and coincidentally in the same time frame as the anime was airing). That’s a jump up of almost 0.60 which is something that pretty much never happens organically. During the time period when the anime was airing the score jumped from that to 8.50 (with the current mean score being 8.55). A week before the anime started airing, it was at 7.92. In 2017, Kimetsu no Yaiba had mean score of 7.46. And yes, I have some numbers to support my claim about the undeserved ratings boost.

ajin manga kissmanga

Should a source material be praised because of the achievements of the adaptations though? I don’t think so. It’s understandable to an extent, sure, I bet ufotable did a good job with the animation of action scenes which are the core of this I suspect that the anime adaptation had a huge impact on the manga ratings. “Why should it matter if you’ve seen the anime or not?” is what you might be asking, so I’d like to address that first. Note that this review might contain some spoilers, though nothing too specific. Therefore, I’d like to offer you a point of view untainted by the ufotable hype. As of the time of writing this review, I have yet to see the anime adaptation.

Ajin manga kissmanga